Who I Am And What This Is

Hey readers, my name is Chris Crow, I love LazyTown, and I’m the self-proclaimed world’s biggest fan. If you’re thinking that that is a bold claim to make, you would be right, but let me explain.

When I say that I love LazyTown, it is important to not glaze over that statement while reading it. I am not saying that I “really like” LazyTown, although that is inherently true. What I mean is that LazyTown has developed into a key part of my life and identity, to the point where I feel like there would be a gaping void inside of me if it suddenly disappeared.

When I say that I am the “world’s biggest fan,” I do not mean that I have collected each and every piece of poorly made merchandise, I do not mean that I can recite episodes from start to finish, and I couldn’t even tell you the birthdays of the show’s actors, which is usually staple trivia for a fan of anything. When I claim to be the biggest fan, what I mean is that I have the deepest and most complete understanding and appreciation for the product. And I really do very sincerely believe all of that to be true.

But so what? Well, being a person in my position has given me what I would like to think as unique experiences and outlooks surrounding LazyTown, most of which I’ve pretty much kept to myself. As you may have guessed the purpose of this blog is to change that last bit there. Here on this site, my plan is to talk LazyTown; what it means to me, how it means to me, and why it means to me. I’ll write opinions on current LazyTown events, tell some untold stories, write about projects I’m working on or have worked on, and who knows what else.

Now, this site isn’t for everyone, I know that. If you don’t care at all about me or LazyTown, then you will probably find this blog to be incredibly boring and pointless, though I will try my hardest to make that not true. But maybe you’re a LazyTown fan, someone who is legitimately interested in my life, perhaps an ex-LazyTown employee, or a psychology student trying to look into the twisted mind of a superfan. If that’s the case, stay tuned for more to come.
